Frequently asked questions

The organization

Based in Montreal, TES Canada ("TES") develops renewable energy projects. The company's investors include Canadian shareholders and Tree Energy Solutions.
Tree Energy Solutions is a producer of green hydrogen and by-products that aims to accelerate the energy transition away from fossil fuels. The company's objective is to develop hydrogen production projects in order to offer zero-emission alternatives to the transport, industrial and energy sectors, within a circular economy framework.

Tree Energy Solutions is developing hydrogen production, import and export infrastructure in Europe, the Middle East, the United States and Canada.

About the project

Hydrogen production

The project involves the construction of an electrolyzer in the Mauricie region to produce large volumes of green hydrogen from renewable electricity and water.

An electrolyzer is a device designed to perform electrolysis, a process that generates a chemical reaction involving the separation of atoms by electrical stimulation.
Hydrogen (H) is a light gas having the chemical formula H2. It is odourless, colourless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. In addition, it's use only generates water vapour and does not emit CO2, sulfur oxides or fine particles. Relatively easy to transport, hydrogen has the advantage of being stored and distributed as required. Hydrogen can also be used as a fuel, releasing three times more energy than conventional fuels for the same mass.
The hydrogen produced will be used exclusively in Quebec. It will play a complimentary role in the electrification of industrial processes and the transportation sector (particularly for long-haul, heavy-duty transport).
Hydrogen is primarily found in chemical compounds, bonded to other atoms. Green hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water: hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) atoms are separated using electricity. Hydrogen is considered green when the electricity used comes from 100% renewable sources (hydroelectricity, wind or solar power). The production of green hydrogen differs from other processes because it does not generate any greenhouse gas emissions.
Hydrogen has been used for decades in numerous industrial processes . Hydrogen is very light, unlike other substances such as gasoline or methane. As a result, it quickly rises and disperses into the atmosphere without causing any pollution.

Strict safety standards are in place to minimize the risks associated with the production and use of hydrogen. These standards, which have been applied for decades, ensure public safety and govern the use of hydrogen in industrial processes as well as for energy purposes.

Implementation area

TES Canada is currently in discussions with various stakeholders in Shawinigan and the Mauricie region to further define the parameters of the project and discuss the location of the required facilities.
Tourism in the region is not expected to be affected by the project. The region will benefit from this innovative project, which will help address climate change in Quebec by producing renewable energy.
The project area is well connected to a highway and railway network, so a significant increase in traffic is not expected.

We do not anticipate a significant increase in traffic volume during the construction period, however, we will put in place traffic mitigation measures if necessary, so we do not adversely affect local traffic.
The project is expected to generate demand from a variety of businesses, such as local suppliers of goods and services, during both the construction and operations phases.

Economic benefits and job creation

The economic benefits will be significant for the region and for Quebec. TES Canada estimates the project's construction at several billion dollars, which will help enable the region's economy to diversify and benefit from new sources of renewable energy.

More than 1,000 jobs will be created during the construction period. Once the electrolyzer is up and running, more than two hundred high-quality jobs in the green industry sector will be created.

The plant's energy needs and relationship with Hydro-Québec

The project will be powered mainly by self-generated renewable energy, enabling us to meet most energy needs.

TES Canada is considering innovative energy integration solutions to minimize the impact on electricity demands from the Hydro-Québec grid.

The construction of the plant will feature energy efficiency and energy recovery criteria in its design specifications and construction estimates. The project plans to opt-in to Hydro-Québec low management programs minimizing its impact on demand during peak periods.

Self-generation of renewable energy

The project plans to develop its own renewable energy production (self-generation) using a combination of wind and solar power.
Self-generation of renewable energy will be developed in the Mauricie region. Electricity production facilities will be located according to a development plan that minimizes impacts on the region and complies with current regulations.

The project will also set up a citizen liaison committee to ensure alignment with local community concerns.
The use of wind turbines to generate renewable electricity is widespread worldwide. Well-defined implementation standards ensure that this equipment is safe.

Some people claim that turbines produce harmful electromagnetic waves, but this is not true. In fact, wind turbines generally produce fewer electromagnetic waves than the electronic devices in a "typical" home. As for noise, wind turbines produce a sound volume equivalent to that of a refrigerator at a distance of 500 metres, which decreases with distance.
The significant reduction in the cost of solar panels and their increased efficiency make it economically viable to install them in northern areas. The solar energy production profile, which peaks in summer, complements wind power production, which is normally lower in summer.

Environment and GHGs

In operation, the project will generate GHG reductions of around 800,000 tons per year. That's nearly 1% of GHG emissions for Quebec as a whole, and the equivalent of emissions from nearly 220,000 cars.
The project will be developed, built and operated according to industry best practices to respect the planning environment and environmental regulations, and in collaboration with environmental experts and specialists to ensure minimal impact on local flora and fauna.
The project plans to produce around 70,000 tons of hydrogen annually, requiring 70 cubic meters of water per hour. For reference, the Saint-Maurice River has an average flow rate of 2,600,000 cubic meters per hour. In the electrolysis process, water is separated into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). The hydrogen is then used as a fuel, reacting with the oxygen in the air, releasing large quantities of energy and forming water once again. Water thus returns to its original state.

The project will also use additional cooling water. The volumes of cooling water will then be exchanged for an equivalent quantity of water at a lower temperature in a sustainable cycle.
GHG emissions from the operation of the plant will be minimal. The electrolysis process generates no GHG emissions.

While there will be a small amount of GHG emissions during the construction period, these will be offset by the project's positive impact on helping to decarbonize Quebec. For each year of operation, TES Canada's production will enable Quebec to reduce its GHG emissions by approximately 800,000 tonnes of CO2 eq.

In addition, the energy efficiency of the project's buildings will be prioritized within the design criteria. The project will also evaluate opportunities for recovering waste heat, in line with the Quebec government's philosophy of a sustainable energy ecosystem.
The risks are low, and the project will prioritize the safety of the environment and our fellow citizens. All facilities will be built to the highest safety standards.

During construction and operation, the safety of employees, suppliers and subcontractors will be aligned with industry best practices. TES Canada intends to meet the requirements for obtaining environmental authorizations from the governments of Quebec and Canada, notably through the 'Bureau d'audiences publiques en environnement' process.

Our other products

e-NG production, also known as methanation via the Sabatier process, is the combination of green hydrogen (H2) and biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) in a chemical reaction to produce synthetic renewable natural gas (CH4) - which we call e-NG for "electric natural gas". The only other product of the reaction is water (H2O), which can be recycled to produce green hydrogen (H2) by electrolysis. Methanation is one of the techniques used to produce Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), a carbon-neutral molecule.
Biogenic CO2 comes from biological sources such as forest biomass, organic waste and so on. These CO2 sources are part of the natural carbon cycle and do not contribute to the addition of new greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The recovery of biogenic CO2 emissions is part of a sustainable development perspective.
Methanation, otherwise known as the Sabatier process, is a process that was discovered in 1897 by French chemists Paul Sabatier and Jean-Baptiste Senderens, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1912. It's a safe process that's been tried and tested for 100 years, converting CO2 waste and green hydrogen (H2) into a molecule that can be used in today's infrastructure.

Community relations

TES Canada works closely with local stakeholders. We intend to implement a consultation plan with all local communities, in addition to consulting and involving stakeholders very early in the process, and throughout.

Do you have questions about Projet Mauricie?

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, comments, or would like more information.