TES Canada

Together, let's accelerate Canada's energy transition away from fossil fuels.


Green hydrogen plays a critical role to achieve our decarbonization goals

Hydrogen makes it possible to decarbonize sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as long-distance transport and heavy industries.

  • Hydrogen is an efficient and flexible energy carrier that can be transported, stored and used through many applications;
  • The use of hydrogen does not emit any CO2;
  • Hydrogen is a safe and non-toxic gas.

15.4 tons
of CO

Canada is ranked as one of the top 10 largest GHG emitters per capita in the world, with emissions of 15.4 tons of CO2 annually according to the World Bank.

TES Canada is implementing a green solution TODAY!

Because we don’t have the luxury of waiting until tomorrow

TES Canada seeks to implement decarbonization solutions and support Canada’s leadership in the hydrogen economy. Through the production of green hydrogen as well as synthetic renewable natural gas (e-NG), TES Canada will contribute to decarbonizing the heavy transport industries as well as certain industrial processes currently using large volumes of fossil fuels.

About us

Who is TES Canada?

Based in Montreal (Quebec), TES Canada is developing green hydrogen production projects in various regions of the country. TES Canada is a Canadian company, founded by Canadian investors and Tree Energy Solutions, a major player in renewable energy that is active in Europe, Australia, the Middle East and the United States. Tree Energy Solutions is currently building a hydrogen and green gas import terminal in Wilhemshaven, Germany.


Our ambition in Canada

Provide hydrogen based solutions to offer zero-emission energy to the transport, industry, and power sectors, in a circular economy.

Our products

Green hydrogen

Electric Natural Gas


Green hydrogen (H2) produced from renewable electricity and water can be used as:

  • Source of clean fuel for steel mills, cement plants and other industries currently using natural gas;
  • Zero emission energy for fuel cell vehicles;
  • Clean input for the production of chemicals, fuels and fertilizers;
  • Energy storage solution and clean electricity source.

Green hydrogen can also be combined with carbon from renewable sources to produce 100% renewable synthetic natural gas (e-NG).

This renewable natural gas is a drop-in molecule that can be used in existing infrastructure to accelerate the energy transition.

Our products

Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen (H2) produced from renewable electricity and water can be used as:

  • Source of clean fuel for steel mills, cement plants and other industries currently using natural gas;
  • Zero emission energy for fuel cell vehicles;
  • Clean input for the production of chemicals, fuels and fertilizers;
  • Energy storage and to generate clean electricity.

Electric Natural Gas (e-NG)

Green hydrogen can also be combined with carbon from renewable sources to produce 100% renewable synthetic natural gas (e-NG).

This renewable natural gas is a drop in molecule in the current infrastructure accelerating the energy transition.

Do you have questions about Projet Mauricie?

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, comments, or would like more information.